
Day 10 (10/20/24)

We had a short overnight at the Grand Hyatt (within the Dallas airport; same hotel as where we stayed on the way to Panama), meeting in the hotel lobby at 7:50 AM. Seasoned group travelers  that we are by now, we had our plan down pretty quickly. Those riding in wheelchairs or helping push wheelchairs went in the handicap TSA line,  those of us with TSA Precheck went in that line, and the rest of us (Rhonda and I ) went in the regular TSA line. Our flight was from gate B6, so we were in the TSA line that would go to  the B gates. Just as Rhonda spots the wishbone (how appropriate to place a wishbone sculpture right by the TSA line as we all wish to get through the TSA line faster!),  a TSA official decided there were too many people in that line (ok, I can agree with that - there are always too many people in the TSA regular line!), and so he closes off the line up a few people ahead of us and tells everyone to follow him to the other TSA line that goes in by the D g...

Day 9 (10/19/24)

Today when we woke up, we knew it would be a day of good-byes. Good-bye to the land and the people of Panama (until next time!) Knowing this, we soaked in and appreciated the view from our hotel balcony one last time - the view of the pool and of the palm trees and the ocean beyond,  and the boats that have been there to greet us each morning Michelle and I marveled at how every day this week without fail the hair dryer in our room would not work when Michelle tried to use it after she showered, (indeed it would not work for me before I showered either) but it would work fine for me after I showered. She would always shower first, and I would  shower immediately after her. Sometimes it would be very early in the morning (like the day we went to Sora), and sometimes it would  be considerably later in the morning - it didn't matter - the hair dryer would only work after I had showered....We still do not have an explanation for this!!!) After breakfast today, I looked out th...

Day 8 (10/18/24)

For several of us, this morning started out with a walk along the ocean. The walkers departed the hotel at 7AM, eager to explore the immediate area, breathing in that nice humid air,  and soaking in the spectacular views of the ocean.  From the dock, apparently it is a popular thing to do to take a boat to Tobago Island and spend the day on the beach. We also saw some of the buildings that had been part of the fort when the US was in charge of the Panama Canal.  These buildings had been burned  by the Panamanians when the US military left Panama. All buildings on the former base are now protected, so these buildings still stand as a reminder of the history of this place.  There were many other interesting sites along the way, including birds we would never see in Iowa, some sort of shrine, and even a cat who had apparently visited our eyeglass clinic. There were good views of the Bridge of the Americas as well as views of the ships lined up to go through the Pan...